Zoom Link Correction

Dear FUUSN Families,

Last week we accidentally sent out the wrong link to the Christmas Pageant Service.

Below is the correct Zoom link and ways to share with your friends and family.

Three Ways to Share

1. You can share this evite link (or the URL it takes you to). The details and ZOOM link are there. http://evite.me/2TZqfBAgTu
*There is no need for you or your family and friends to RSVP to the invite. We just wanted to provide a tool for you to be able to share.

2. You can share the ZOOM link to the service and details on your own as follows: December 24 at 5pm (password 1326)

3. You can download the image below and share it be sure to include the link to the service: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87974323251?pwd=SWwwdTVTRE5mdThkcE45T0hEVTlZQT09