Summer Services

Summer Sunday Services

An excited team is putting the finishing touches on the schedule of services to be offered this summer at 10:15 in Zoom format. Demie Stathoplos will gather us, Lois Shapiro will be providing music, Joan Caplan meditations, Cathy Morocco poetry, Bob Persons and Norm Thibeault Times for All Ages, and Fran Gardino photography.  Jud Leonard will orchestrate participation of Lay Ministers and a summer choir will be gathered by Lois and Anne Watson Borne to lead hymns.  Bob Persons will coordinate technology. Each service will explore a theme – often the special interest of a FUUSN member. A list of these themes is included in the schedule of summer services below. 

13  Art & Spiritual Life How artistic pursuits, great and small, feed our spiritual lives including presentations and reflections by Barbara Deck, Jacqui James, and Curt Lamb.
20  Voices from the Boston Women’s Memorial A service honoring the contribution of women to Boston history through a celebration of the Boston Women’s Memorial in music, photography and reflection.
27  Our Institutions Our Lives Do we undervalue the role of institutions in setting our moral compass? Curt Lamb will share reflections on the need to balance our commitments to perfect values and imperfect institutions.
11 Being an Outsider Yenquei Chung and Sandra Mahanian will share with us their personal experience of being outsiders. Join us to reflect on the universal experience of not feeling welcome among the people, and in the place where you live.
18  Notes On Our Place in the Universe Nobel prize winning theoretical physicist and author Frank Wilczek will speak to us on what contemporary science suggests about understanding our place in the universe.
25 Meditation Service Suzanne Buchko will lead a service of insight, respite and meditation.
1 Character Education in Schools Philip Brown, a national expert on character education, describes the contemporary movement to include moral and emotional learning in K-12 school curriculum and administration.
8 Caste and Spirituality Tim Wells will share reflections on caste and spirituality.
15 UUA General Assembly Didn’t get to UUA General Assembly this year . . . .   or perhaps ever? Join us this Sunday to experience the essence of General Assembly as embodied in it’s annual Sunday Morning Worship, this year titled Justice, Healing, Courage.
22 When We Choose to make Necessity the Mother of Invention Lois Shapiro broke her right wrist this spring, imposing powerfully on her life as a performing musician and a single woman living alone. What happened next took her on a fascinating journey of self-discovery with lessons for all.   At this service we will consider how to cope with dire, unforeseen necessities, and enjoy the musical fruits of Lois’ invention.
29 Climate Migration One of the known effects of the climate crisis is the slow, and occasionally abrupt, displacement of people from their homes and homelands. Where are these displacements taking place, and what are the systems in place, or not, to accommodate people when their homes are no longer safe or sustainable? What is our role in climate migration here in the relatively stable northeast United States?
September Day
5 No Service (Labor Day)