As part of our year-long program Living the Principles, you are invited to explore the Seven Principles of the Unitarian Universalist tradition at a series of multigenerational lunch events after coffee hour. At Pizza & the Principles we sit down to lunch together, then play some games and engage in some group activities that will help us explore the meaning, in our own lives, of the Seven Principles. Members, friends, and kids of all ages are welcome to attend.
This Sunday, October 15, from noon to 2:00 p.m., we explore the First Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person. Click to register online so we have a rough idea of how much food to order. But you are welcome to attend even if you have not registered!
Come for the fun, the fellowship, the food, and the First Principle after coffee hour this Sunday. We look forward to seeing you there! -Samuel Foster, Membership Coordinator