Ferry Beach Weekend

Columbus Day weekend at Ferry Beach-

The best start for the FUUSN year! Meet new friends, meet old friends, connect and get into the spirit of the new FUUSN year!

If you’re new to FUUSN, have you heard about Ferry Beach yet? Here’s all you need to know: We all head up to the beach in Maine to spend that weekend together.

What’s the place like? Ferry Beach is a small UU conference center on a seven-mile stretch of sandy beach in Maine. It’s a collection of rustic, wood-frame buildings from the last century, most have been renovated! The main

building has a lobby with a fireplace and comfy chairs and a wrap-around porch that faces the ocean. There is a huge dining room with a nice big porch where we share catered meals.

Who should go? Families, singles, couples, empty-nesters, parents of adolescents wanting a weekend away, parents of young children wanting someone to take a turn holding the baby—we all seem to blend in a sweet, amicable, pleasant way. Many important friendships begin at Ferry Beach.

What do we do? Some of us stay put at the beach, playing volleyball, tennis, basketball or creating arts and crafts all weekend. Others of us go out to the museums in Portland, apple picking, on environmental ecology trips, kayaking or to the outlets for shopping. We applaud amateurs at the Saturday night talent– no talent show and just generally get to know one another, share meals, share parenting, and have a wonderful time.

It’s the best way to connect with the community! If you have questions, call Chris O’Donnell at (781)-392-9238 or email him at FUUSN.ferrybeach@gmail.com . The sign-up form is on the other side of this sheet, online or available from Fran. Mail it back ASAP, space is limited!


INVITATION AND SIGN-UP FORM FUUSN Columbus Day Weekend at Ferry Beach October 11–14, 2019

It’s time for our annual Columbus Day Weekend at Ferry Beach in Saco, Maine. Space is assigned on a first-come, first- served basis, please check before inviting guests. If you are new or would like more information, call Chris O’Donnell at 781-392-9238 or email at FUUSN.ferrybeach@gmail.com.

Family/Group Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (Cell)____________________________ (Home)_____________________________________

Please check one: □ family □ single adult
□ adult group (one form, with all checks in the same envelope)

The drive takes approximately 2-2.5 hours. Ferry Beach is available to us from 4 PM Friday until 2 PM Monday.

Please write each individual’s name and gender, and the ages of any children under 18. This is very important, as some rooms may be shared in order to accommodate everyone. People under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Name M/F Age (if minor) Name M/F Age (if minor)

Activities: Our activities schedule depends on YOUR creativity and generosity. Please contact Cora Jeyadame at 617-686-0880 or email at cora.jeyadame@gmail.com to volunteer to run an activity for children and/or adults.

  • Housing is in rustic wooden buildings with bunk beds and shared bathrooms.
  • Humans only, NO pets allowed.
  • Others may be added to your room to maximize the number of people we can fit in.
  • Room assignments, information, and directions will be mailed on or around September 30.
  • The room assignment group performs works hard to accommodate everyone’s needs.
  • Incomplete applications will be processed last.
  • If fees are a problem, contact Chris. A few confidential scholarships may be available.


Number of children and adults 13 & older _______ x $195 Number of children 3-12 (infants free) _______ x $85 Camping rates: Adults $140 / Children $65-

= $________ = $________ = $________


Total enclosed (checks made out to FUUSN extended programs): Travel: I/we can provide ___ rides. I/we need ___ rides.

Please return the following three items by mail to arrive by October 4th:

1. 2. 3.


This form
A check for full payment, made out to FUUSN Extended Programs A business size, self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE)

Chris O’Donnell
15 Hazelhurst Ave.
West Newton, MA 02465