Hello All, Over the past eight years you have welcomed and supported my work with your children and youth. I have had the opportunity to work with volunteers as teachers, RE council members, special activity leaders and project advisors. I am grateful for all of you.
Your FUUSN RE program would not be as strong without the volunteers who are at its core. It has not only been parents that volunteered to work with your children, but the entire congregation that stepped into different roles. Everyone understands what it takes for a program of this size to run and make a difference in the lives of your children and youth. You understand that it takes a FUUSN UU village. The next ADRE will find themselves lucky to have all of you behind their success.
I have a final thank you to share. My gardens at home have plants from people and places that hold a special place in my heart. Laurel Farnsworth gave me permission to take some plants from your FUUSN gardens. They are now planted my gardens and when they bloom each spring I will be reminded of all the FUUSN adults, youth and children that made my time at FUUSN special.
Goodbye, I will miss you all, Beth Walton