Many of you know that I have a Discretionary Fund that allows us all to help people find a way through difficult times. The Fund has paid utility bills, bought food, helped with housing assistance, medical bills and car repairs and so much more. It will come as no surprise that the need of late has outpaced the money available.
In years past the Fund has been funded primarily by individual donations and the Offering of the first two services on Christmas Eve. Because we have found the need of the Fund to be so great we have decided to earmark the Offering at both Water and Flower Sundays going forward.
If this is a year that finds you feeling comfortable with your finances please consider making a generous donation to the Fund. If you will be writing a check please make it out to FUUSN with the notation “for Minister’s Discretionary Fund.” Most important, if you, or someone you know, are in need, please be in touch with me or the Lay Ministers. Peace, Erin