FUUSN is home to a robust and comprehensive lifespan religious education program. The Assistant Director of Religious Education is a part-time position providing overall support to the Director of Lifespan Religious Education (DLRE). The Assistant Director is primarily responsible for administrative support of the children’s religious education (16-18 hours/week) and youth programs (2-4 hours/week). The person in this position reports to the DLRE, serves on the Children’s Religious Education Committee (CRE), and joins a dedicated professional staff supporting a large and active congregation. FUUSN is an intentionally liberal religious community, committed to social justice and inclusivity in religious education teaching and hiring. Applicants representing a wide range of sociocultural identities and backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

For full details, please see the full job posting (PDF file) here.

Send letter of interest and resume via email to: ADREsearch@fuusn.org

Accepting applications through July 10th, 2020.