Author: Bruce Henderson

FUUSN Black Lives Matter Meeting, Jan. 19

We invite everyone to the upcoming FUUSN Black Lives Matter meeting this Thursday, January 19, 7 p.m. in the Alliance Room.  Our plan is to check in and then spend the main portion of the meeting discussing possible action projects to put our minds and hands to … read more.

Newton Dialogues on Peace and War, Feb. 5

The Catholic Church Opts for Nonviolence over War: What Now? Sunday, February 5, 3:00 p.m. Dr. Lisa Sowle Cahill, professor of theology at Boston College, was one of the leaders of last April’s Vatican 3-day international symposium on Nonviolence and Just Peace. The symposium recommended … read more.

Musings: Join Us for Music Sunday, Mar. 19

“…the spring sun of the arts forms light out of suffering.” These lines are from a poem by Christoph Kuffner, set to music by Ludwig van Beethoven, for his Choral Fantasy, Op. 80. “Reports are numerous regarding the fiasco of the Choral Fantasy, introduced to … read more.

Minister’s Discretionary Fund

The Minister’s Discretionary Fund exists at the heart of our common ministry. It is used throughout the year to help members of our community, both here at FUUSN and the larger community of which we are a part, find a way through difficult times. If … read more.