Reimbursement Deadline! Cash Your Checks!

Reimbursement requests. A reminder that our FUUSN Fiscal Year ends on May 31, 2018. Any Committees or individuals with reimbursement requests should get those to Fran Clancy in the FUUSN office at your earliest convenience, and definitely before the end of May.

Reimbursement checks. Please note that, per our financial policies, FUUSN will not honor, after the end of this fiscal year on May 31, 2018, any uncashed checks that it has issued bearing a date earlier than June 1, 2017. If you have received a check from FUUSN within the last year and have not cashed it, please cash it if you still have it, and if it is less than six months old. If you have lost it, or if your uncashed check is more than six months old (but less than a year old), please see Fran to arrange for a new check to be issued.

Judy Curby, FUUSN Treasurer