Category: About Us

Memorial Service in June

FUUSN members and friends are invited and encouraged to attend the memorial services of members. Whether you were a close friend or a passing acquaintance, a big part of our commitment to one another is showing up for the families of those who have passed.

Kate … read more.

About Us


This Sunday, we will have an opportunity to remember loved ones, friends and members of our community who have passed but who are still with us in spirit.

We also hold in our hearts the memory of these FUUSN members who died in April … read more.


The Services Auction Committee would like to give a belated thank you to Lois Shapiro and her Trio for the wonderful concert they conducted on April 2nd for the benefit of FUUSN. The music was truly impressive and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. … read more.

Thank UUs

Our Sunday Beadles and Dishwashers have done a great job keeping everyone in coffee and cleaning up after Coffee Hour.
Let them know you appreciate all their hard work: CJ Klinman, Ben Klinman, Emil Larson, Myles Konary, John Dundon, and Mike Arnott,


The last Sunday of each month is usually when we take time to remember those we have lost, whether recently or long ago, and who remain with us as a great cloud of witnesses and inspire our days. In addition to those whose memories … read more.


Dear FUUSN friends,
I am sending thanks from our entire family for your love and support over the last month following Dan’s death, and especially at the service on February 11th. The sanctuary was so lovely, the music so beautiful, and the reception so welcoming. … read more.


It is exciting to return to so many in-person or hybrid events using space at FUUSN! Given all of the activity being planned, it seems like a good time to remind everyone of the process for reserving space in any room or combination of rooms … read more.