Category: Lay Ministers

Care Crew Update

The Care Crew is a group of volunteers who assist FUUSN members who have expressed a need such as rides, meals, visiting, etc. Until recently, these requests were fielded by the lay ministers who then contacted the Care Crew volunteers.

There have been some … read more.


Greetings! I’m Gordon Moriarty, and I am the Lay Minister on call for the month of March. Please contact me if you’d like to chat about challenges or concerns in your life, or if I might be able to help connect you with … read more.

Care Crew Coordinator

The Lay Ministers have determined that the Care Crew activity should be coordinated by one person and I am honored to be asked to be the coordinator. The new number for requesting assistance from the Care Crew is 617-564-1769. The lay minister phone number will … read more.

Lay Ministers

The FUSN lay ministers are available to help members and friends who are experiencing difficulties and could use a listening ear, help with meals in case of illness, rides to the doctor, and the like. If you would like to reach a lay minister, here … read more.

Lay Ministers

The FUUSN lay ministers are available to help members and friends who are experiencing difficulties and could use a listening ear, help with meals in case of illness, rides to the doctor, and the like. If you would like to reach a lay minister, here … read more.

Lay Ministers

Our winter has indeed been dreary in recent weeks. It may seem that the skies are shedding tears in our shared grief as we lost two long-time friends and community members in this past month. For others, winter has included health challenges … read more.

From the Lay Ministers

The holiday and new year season can be joyous and full of hope; and, it can be fraught with family tensions and personal losses. Some of us anticipate the familiar rituals with pleasure and others not so much. It can take work to cultivate new … read more.

From the Lay Ministers

The holiday and new year season can be joyous and full of hope; and, it can be fraught with family tensions and personal losses. Some of us anticipate the familiar rituals with pleasure and others not so much. It can take work to cultivate new … read more.

Lay Ministers

The FUUSN lay ministers are available to help members and friends who are experiencing difficulties and could use a listening ear, help with meals in case of illness, rides to the doctor, and the like. If you would like to reach a lay minister, here … read more.

Lay Ministers

The FUUSN lay ministers are available to help members and friends who are experiencing difficulties and could use a listening ear, help with meals in case of illness, rides to the doctor, and the like.

If you would like to reach a lay minister, here is … read more.