Category: Uncategorized

Overview of Article II, Proposed Changes

Dear FUUSN Community,

The UUA and its member congregations are required by the Bylaws to review Article II periodically. Article II is the meat of our purpose, principles, and sources – the same principles you hear one of our FUUSN Trustees read from the pulpit … read more.


In December, FUUSN’s Legacy Circle Matching Fund Appeal: BUILDING FUUSN’S FUTURE will be ending.

The purpose of the Legacy Circle is to strengthen the financial foundation of FUUSN, so that the Society will continue to serve future generations in the Newton region and throughout the world.

Every … read more.

Music Notes

Many thanks to our FUUSN musicians this past year, for their faithful presence in worship and for creating and sharing such beautiful art in our services.

Here’s a photo from our annual Music Party – thanks to Laurel Farnsworth for hosting!

FUUSN’s New Interim Minister

The IM Search Committee, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, is delighted to report that FUUSN has a new Interim Minister, the Rev. Parisa Parsa, who will be joining us on August 1.

We believe Rev. Parisa has just the right set of skills and … read more.

Community Day Center of Waltham: Supplies Needed

The Community Day Center of Waltham serves 15-25 homeless people per day (~85% are men); they serve lunch, provide computer access and mail pick up; and provide case management services. Case management assists with everything from securing IDs through disability applications to obtaining housing. Please … read more.

FUUSN Nooks and Crannies with History

Did you ever find yourself lost in our building wondering how to get somewhere? Have wondered if there’s a secret tunnel from the sanctuary to Parish Hall? If so, then Join Gayle Smalley and Laurel Farnsworth as they highlight the pictures of our previous buildings, … read more.

Ukrainian Egg Decorating

Suzanne Buchko has offered to lead us in the wonderful art of Ukrainian Egg Decorating, also called pysanka, on Sunday April 3 from 12-3:00 pm. A lunch of pizza and salad will be provided for participants at the start of the event.

Pysanka is … read more.