Category: Youth

Youth Coffee House

Dear FUUSN Community,

Our FUUSN youth are happy to invite you to join us on April 24 at 7:30pm for a virtual Coffee House featuring local young artists. A talented group youth will perform virtually, some live and some recorded. This year, all tax deductible … read more.

Youth Programs Coordinator

Dear FUUSN Community,

It’s hard to believe that my time as the Youth Programs Coordinator is coming to an end. As I leave this role at FUUSN I have been reflecting on how much the program has grown over the two years I’ve worked … read more.

Youth Broadcast

Youth-led Service a Success. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the youth-led service on April 7! Youth planned and led a service with the theme of Oh the Places You’ll Go: A Celebration of FUUSN Youth. The service included a reading of “Oh the … read more.

Youth Trip to Ecclesia

Ten youth attended an overnight at Ecclesia in December. Ecclesia Ministry’s CityReach program gives young people a chance to learn about homelessness from people who have experienced it, and may be still experiencing it. Our group was paired with two CityReach staff members who took … read more.

Coffee House Meeting

Mid Year Youth Kick Off and Coffee House Planning Meeting January 6! Coffee House planning has begun! Youth will have a mid year Youth Group Kick Off and Coffee House Planning Meeting (including fun games) in the youth room from 11:45-3:00 pm on January 6. … read more.

Youth Broadcast

Support the FUUSN Youth Group’s Trip to Ecclesia! As many of you know, Youth Group is going to the Common Cathedral City Reach overnight this year December 14-15 (known by many at FUUSN as Ecclesia). Youth attending the program learn about homelessness firsthand and participate … read more.

Youth Overnight a Success

High school youth had a successful, though shortened, youth overnight due to the building closure on 10/20. During the event youth played bonding and get-to-know-you games, baked pies, and participated in team building, worship and deeper sharing activities. Our worship focused on the theme of … read more.

Youth Broadcast

Youth have a blast apple picking, look forward to overnight. FUUSN Youth had a blast going apple picking at Honeypot Hill. Twelve high school youth and 5 youth advisers attended. We had a ton of fun picking apples, going on the hayride, and eating donuts … read more.