Christmas Trees

The trees are coming.

So far this year’s Christmas tree-selling effort has been mostly theoretical. We place notices, take checks, put names on a spreadsheet. But in the back of our heads is that unsettling knowledge: very soon—Tuesday Dec 3rd, to be exact—a big truck will struggle to back into our parking lot off Highland Street, and then our lives are not our own for a few weeks.

Every year, the worries are there. Will we get the lights and stuff set up without anyone falling off a ladder? What condition will our shipment be in this year– dried-out and brown, or encased in ice? What kind of weather will our steadfast volunteers have to put up with?

Will we have left over trees on Christmas day???

But once we’re into it, it’ll be a gas. And we couldn’t do it without all the FUUSN community.

Please take the opportunity to save money. If you are going to get a tree from us this year, pay for it ahead of time for the best price. If you can’t make it to our last Coffee Hour sales table on Dec 1, get an order form from your nearest Tree Guy and get it in to Fran with a check before the delivery.

Any and all are invited to come and lug trees off the truck on Tues Dec 3rd. Our supplier tries to get the shipment there by 2:30 or so.

Sign up to cover a shift selling some trees; it can be really fun, as long as you’re dressed warmly enough.

Finally, remember to tell everybody you know outside of FUUSN, too. For some twenty years we’ve been doing this. As far as we know, FUSN runs the only all-volunteer tree sales lot in the city. From the planning, to the unloading, through selling and clean-up, all the work is done by people who are donating their time. Other than the initial cost of the shipment, the only expenses are for saw blades, labels, utility knives, electricity for the strings of lights, and the like. The proceeds go into FUUSN’s general fund, to support its many programs.

The folks in your circle of contacts might like to know that, as they’re getting ready for their own holidays.

Thanks in advance for your support, the Tree Guys: Barry Goldberg,         Eric Haas, Bill Horne, Jonathan Lilienfeld, Ron Mayville, Eric Moore.    Barney Freiberg-Dale, guy emeritus