Columbus Day weekend at Ferry Beach, Oct. 5-8

Columbus Day weekend at Ferry Beach, October 5-8, is the best way to start the FUUSN year!  Meet new friends, meet old friends, connect, and get into the spirit of the new FUUSN year!  If you’re new to FUUSN, here’s all you need to know:  We all head up to the beach in Maine to spend that weekend together. Ferry Beach is a small UU conference center on a seven-mile stretch of beach in Maine, with rustic buildings (mostly renovated), a comfortable lobby, a huge dining room, and a big porch facing the ocean. Families, singles, empty-nesters, parents of adolescents wanting a weekend away, parents of young children wanting someone to take a turn holding the baby — all blend together and create and renew friendships. There’s lots to do — volleyball, tennis, basketball, arts & crafts, museum hopping, apple picking, kayaking, yakking, outlet shopping, and a Saturday night talent/no-talent show. If you have questions, contact Chris O’Donnell at 303-906-3774 or Fill in the sign-up form and mail it in with your payment to arrive by September 28. Fran has additional copies of the form in the FUUSN office.