Ferry Beach: Columbus Day Weekend, Oct. 7-10

Columbus Day Weekend, Oct. 7-10, at Ferry Beach is the best start for the FUUSN year! Meet new friends, greet old friends, connect and get into the spirit of the new FUUSN year! Who should go? Families, singles, couples, empty-nesters, parents of adolescents wanting a weekend away, parents of young children wanting someone to take a turn holding the baby—the group seems to blend in a sweet, amicable, pleasant way. Many important friendships begin at Ferry Beach. Applications are available in the latest newsletter, on the web and from Fran. Learn more on the Ferry Beach Info page and then sign up. Mail it ASAP, space is limited! Questions? Contact Vern Ellis at 617-686-9123 or email him at vellis@ellisdesign.net.  Learn about the activities, the place, and the good times to be had. Download the PDF for more information.