Over the last few months, the Operations Council, Board of Trustees, and FUUSN staff have continued to monitor developments and progress in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the increasing spread of COVID-19 we recognize that we need to continue virtual operations. While we would all like to be able to gather in-person, we still do not believe that it is safe for us to do so.
In making this decision, we reviewed the latest guidance provided by the Massachusetts Public Health Department as well as guidance provided by our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Our judgment is grounded in our UU values of care and concern for all our members and the desire that all of us be able to participate equally in congregational life. We recognize too that we are part of an interdependent web and that our actions can affect more than just ourselves. Massachusetts requirements for reopening our building would limit the number of persons in the sanctuary to 60 with masking and appropriate physical distancing. We would not be able to hold RE classes, gather for coffee hour or sing during services. In addition to these restrictions we are concerned about ventilation as we could not bring in outside air to the sanctuary without considerable expense.
We will continue to monitor the pandemic in Massachusetts, especially progress in vaccine development and subsequent administration. We will reassess in March to determine whether any types of in-person gatherings may be possible.
Our staff continue to work diligently to develop creative ways to expand our level of inclusion and engagement in virtual congregational life and we are grateful for all they have been doing to keep us connected during these challenging times. Please feel free to contribute ideas about how we can strengthen engagement within the community as we continue virtual operations.
We will send all updates via e-mail and facebook. All information will be posted on FUUSN’s website: www.fusn.org
Erin Splaine, Minister
Chris Krebs on behalf of the Board of Trustees
Susan Bartlett on behalf of the Operations Council