Debriefing our White Fragility Common Read, and Brainstorming Next Steps…

You are invited to a Congregation-Wide Conversation:

Debriefing our White Fragility Common Read, and Brainstorming Next Steps…

Tuesday April 23, 7-9 pm, Children’s Chapel or Parish Hall

Many of us have taken part in our common read White Fragility: White Fragility: Why it’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Race these last few months. So far, more than 60 folks have joined or are scheduled to take part in one of the several small-group facilitated conversations, and many more of you are reading this important book.

Regardless of where you are in the process – whether you have been part of a small group or not – whether you have finished the book or not – and even if you have not started but might be interested, please join Erin and members of the Multicultural Ministry Initiative for a larger extended conversation about the book. This will be a chance to hear reflections from members who have been in the book discussion groups, to think together about where we are as a congregation and what our next steps -together – might be.

As Erin said in her sermon introducing our common read in January, “We need to trust one another and ourselves to have the difficult conversations – to listen – to know that regardless of where we are on our journeys we will be heard – to allow each other to not be perfect – or graceful – to make mistakes – to keep on – to allow each other the chance to learn and grow together. ”

We are looking forward to our continuing conversation. Sponsored by FUUSN’s Multicultural Ministry