The FUUSN Yellow Pages are now available on the new website. It’s a compilation of reviews by FUUSNites of a wide range of goods and services. All of the relevant information that was on the old site has been moved to the new site.
To access the new FUUSN Yellow Pages, you will need to log into the new website. And to do that, you’ll need a username and password. (Your username and password for the old site will not work on the new one.) We invite all FUUSNites who are interested to “opt in” and get a username and password so they can log in and start using the new FUUSN Yellow Pages. (Eventually, we intend to reinstate the online FUUSN congregational directory to this website, and the same log-in will give you access to the directory when it’s available.)
To “opt in” and get a username and password for the new website, please click the “update your email preferences” link at the bottom of any FUUSNews email to update your information:
– Make sure your First Name and Last Name are in your profile.
– Click the checkbox by “Request log-in access to website.”
– Then click “Update Profile.”
A few days after you opt in, we will send an email with your username, temporary password, and a link to sign into the site and change your password.
We are hoping that the new FUUSN Yellow Pages will be even more convenient and powerful than asking on the General List for recommendations about this or that type of vendor. If you have given or received recommendations recently on the General List, please sign into the new FUUSN Yellow Pages, add your preferred vendors, and write brief reviews.
Please add your reviews, to keep the FUUSN Yellow Pages vibrant and helpful. You’ll be able to edit any new reviews you write, and we plan to make your old reviews available for your edits, as well.
If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions, please contact us at