FUUSN Committee Updates

Listed below are some updates from FUUSN committees represented on March 10 at the Committee Chairs Meeting. If you are interested in hearing more, contact the person noted for each committee.

Nominating Committee – Julia Wolfe. This group submits names of members to hold elected office at the Annual Meeting. If you are interested yourself or want to recommend someone else, be in touch as they are just beginning their work.

Annual Budget Drive – Julia Wolfe, Karen Bottar. The drive began on March 4, with 17 pledge parties scheduled. An average of $2700 per pledge unit is needed to keep FUUSN running. Electronic payment via funds transfer is an option.

Members Services – Pat Rohan. This committee is working on a new database, and and plan to better inform new members of what is expected of them. $18,000 was netted from the Services Auction, a Newcomer potluck is coming up. This committee meets on an as-needed vs. regular basis.

Planned Giving Committee– UU offers a 10% match of the amount of new legacies to congregations.

Financial Oversight– Dan Brody. An exhaustive review of financial policies was completed, and voted by the BoT in January. Some bylaw changes will be voted on by the BoT, an Endowment Spending and Loan policy is needed. The investment committee reports annually to the congregation. Exploring how more groups can accept credit card payments and a policy on accepting gifts is needed.

Board of Trustees – Cathy Morocco. Priority is on moving forward with Safe Congregations (Brooke Foucault-Welles), Welcoming Congregation and

Stewardship, for which a “council” is being established.

Board of Investment– Devon Welles. A major effort has been underway for several years to clean up items relating to endowments and sub-endowments. Creating policies before they are needed is recommended. Our endowment is approx. $2m, mostly in low cost index funds.

Social Action– Nancy Wrenn. Focus is on 4 action areas:

  • Hunger and Homelessness
  • Advocacy
  • Criminal Justice
  • International Partnerships
  • Economic and Racial Justice

Having speakers has added to more attendance at

Over 60s – Wendy Haskell. Topic-based discussions almost monthly, very well attended. Considerations for upcoming even: a Memorial Board, a panel discussing Newton at Home and PLAN, over 80 discussion group, expert financial issues, grief workshop and a Sunday service.

Bylaws Committee – Gordon Moriarty. Gordon thanked Dan Brody for his work on financial issues, and said that updates to the by-laws are needed.

Building and Grounds – Laurel Farnsworth. No decision has been made about when a Capital Campaign will occur. Two major expenses are an elevator and organ reconstruction. She is working on a list of smaller items that could be funded outside a capital campaign.

Multi-Cultural Initiative (MMI) – Demie Stathoplos. Books groups continue, films are being shown, there is a mission statement, Black Lives Matter is under this group, the congregation will be surveyed about its interests.

Welcoming Congregation – Linda Ross. Working on renewal of Welcoming Congregation status, with a draft in late spring to send to the BoT by October. How to include and welcome all not just LGBTQ is the goal. Cindy Beal will conduct another workshop on April 8.