FUUSN Yard Sale: Sat. Oct. 26, 9:30am-1:00pm

Save your clean, unbroken, saleable items to donate to our upcoming (indoor) yard sale. We’ll accept your items during the week of Oct. 20-25. Please follow the guidelines below, as the disposal of inappropriate items costs us volunteer time (and sometimes money!).

YES: Housewares, including small furniture, lamps, kitchenware, small appliances, etc. Toys, games, Halloween items Tools (manual & small electrical), hardware Newer electronics in working condition Artwork Clean handbags, backpacks & scarves in good condition Jewelry (to be sold at the December fair, but early donations are encouraged!)

NO: No books (until the December fair) No sports/exercise equipment No computers/monitors or old electronics No clothing No large furniture or very heavy items (our volunteers & customers have to move these things!) No broken or dirty/moldy items Contact Denise Bousquet at denise4@rcn.com if you have donation questions. Volunteer signups will begin next week.