Great Volunteer Opportunity

As many of you are aware, each year FUUSN volunteers grow plants from seeds, cultivate the plants at a gardening plot in Waltham, and then harvest the vegetables and donate them to the Newton Food Pantry. This is a great opportunity for kids of all ages to participate in an activity that promotes environmental responsibility and reduces hunger in our community. FUUSN does this project jointly with the Congregation Dorshei Tzedek, a dynamic and inclusive Reconstructionist synagogue in West Newton ( The FUUSN volunteers would like to pass the baton of leadership to the next generation. It would be ideal if two (or more) families would take the project on and act as the organizers going forward. Lois Shapiro, one of the current leaders, will train you! It would be fun for the two FUUSN families to collaborate, and their presence would act as a magnet for other families interested in volunteering at the garden on an ad hoc basis. If you would consider this, let us know. Our email addresses are: Julia Huston,; Lois Shapiro,