Healthy Vegan Supper Club

Are you looking to eat more healthy food, reduce your environmental impact, or live more compassionately and respectfully of the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part? Then the FUUSN Healthy Vegan Supper Club is for you! We usually meet for a potluck dinner once per month, via Zoom for now, and our next gathering is this Sunday, February 7, at 5:00 pm via Zoom at (please note earlier than usual start time due to the Super Bowl). Newbies are welcome, and if you don’t feel like cooking you can just hang out with us. You are welcome to join us no matter what your dietary practices are, as long as you are interested in supporting other group members in their pursuit of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle and are considering it for yourself whether in whole or in part. Any food items brought to our community dinners, including on Zoom, should comply with the principles to which the group has agreed such as no animal products of any kind and ideally minimizing the use of highly refined ingredients. Congregants and friends of FUUSN are welcome. We hope to see you there! For questions, contact Julia Huston at