For most of us, FUUSN is our spiritual home. We consider if we should change the name; we choose to attend the Social Action activities or the 60+ Club meetings; we revel in our wonderful music every Sunday and our wonderful sermons or testimonials.
But there is a larger association. The Unitarian Universalist Association, headquartered in Boston represents over 1000 member organizations across US with a global reach. The Seven Principles and a faith in Diversity and Inclusion are huge cornerstones of UUA.
Erin’s sermon and follow-up discussion last Sunday revealed that the UUA is not meeting the Diverse and Inclusive goals as we expect. I’m sure there will be more discussion about this specific concern.
But I am inviting you to reach out to our UU neighbors through the Regional Assembly on April 21 and 22 in Woburn, or for a huge hit of UUism, attend General Assembly in New Orleans June 22-25.
New England Regional Assembly
On Friday night April 21, there will be a UUA Presidential Candidates Forum with Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, Rev. Alison Miller and Rev. Jeanne Pupke, moderated by Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti. The forum will discuss who should replace Peter Morales after his recent resignation.
On Saturday, April 22:
- 9:00 AM Worship with acclaimed liturgist Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout and preacher Rev. Robin Bartlett.
- 11:00 AM Workshops (choose one ~ descriptions below):
- “Congregational Relevance” with Hilary Allen”Justice Ministry Matters” with Meck Groot.
- “Creating & Leading Dynamic Lay-Led Worship” with Rev. Sue Phillips.
- 12:15 PM Lunch
- 1:30 PM Community Sing with Dr. Ysaye Barnwell, a special opportunity for anyone who wants to sing with other people to do just that. This will be conducted in the “oral tradition” so you don’t have to read music or have any musical training. We’ll begin in a fun easy way and within two hours we will become a choir of uncommon voices singing in 4 to 6 part harmony and raising the roof!
Registration costs $125/adult but a portion will be covered by FUUSN. Register by April 10th!
General Assembly in New Orleans needs FUUSN Delegates to go Resist and Rejoice! FUUSN will pay registration fee but you are responsible for travel and housing.
Contact Kate Mason for further info.