Children’s Programs – Nursery to 8th Grade
The children’s program is a cooperative model where parents are part of a 4-person teaching team or volunteer in another role every year. Each class, from Pre-K through Grade 8, has a specific curriculum for each year as described below. If you are interested in teaching a curriculum or volunteering in the nursery and have been a part of the congregation for at least 6 months, let the Director of Lifespan Religious Education know!
In Normal Program Years
Children K and up start in the worship service with their families at 10:15 and transition to Religious Education (RE) classes from there. PreK and Nursery kids are welcome to start in worship or to start in their classrooms after 10am.
2021/2022 Program Year
Due to Covid-19, this will be a unique year for educational programs at FUUSN. The staff, CRE Committee, and volunteer teachers have worked hard to incorporate many traditional RE elements as well as answer the current needs of our community.
Programming for the 20/21 year will be offered virtually and will encompass the following areas: Faith Formation classes, Racial Justices curricula, Music & Spirit gathering with our Children’s Music Coordinator, Family Joys & Sorrows, Senior Youth Group, and parent support meetings.
Registration is open
When we are together in person, there are two adult staff members and two youth teachers in charge of the Nursery, which is open to babies and toddlers up to age three from 10:10 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Sunday mornings.
For the 2020-2021 program year, families with nursery aged children are invited to participate in the all of the PreK-K activities below, particularly the POP, Parents of Preschoolers Program.
- 1st Sunday of the month | Faith Formation
POP (ages 2-5) curriculum
9:30am-10:00am - 2nd Sunday of the month | Music & Spirit
Join our Children’s Music Coordinator, Akela for music and movement for all ages.
11:30am-12:15pm - 4th Sunday of the month | Family Joys & Sorrows
Share your high and low of the week, connect with your feelings, and hold one another in love and care.
Parents of Preschoolers
Parents of 0-5 year olds, will meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 9:30am-10:00am. We will utilize a monthly themed curriculum that focuses on UUs with preschool aged children and the unique joys and challenges that presents.
1st – 3rd Grade
- 1st Sunday of the month | Faith Formation
UU LEGO Sources curriculum
11:30am-12:15pm - 2nd Sunday of the month | Music & Spirt
Join our Children’s Music Coordinator, Akela for music and movement for all ages.
11:30am-12:15pm - 3rd Sunday of the month | Racial Justice
Growing Anti-Racist UUs 1-3 curriculum
11:30am-12:15pm - 4th Sunday of the month | Family Joys & Sorrows
Share your high and low of the week, connect with your feelings, and hold one another in love and care.
4th -6th Grade
- 1st Sunday of the month | Faith Formation
Bibleodeon curriculum
11:30am-12:15pm - 2nd Sunday of the month | Music & Spirt
Join our Children’s Music Coordinator, Akela for music and movement for all ages.
11:30am-12:15pm - 3rd Sunday of the month | Racial Justice
Growing Anti-Racist UUs 4-6 curriculum
11:30am-12:15pm - 4th Sunday of the month | Family Joys & Sorrows
Share your high and low of the week, connect with your feelings, and hold one another in love and care.
7th/8th Grade
2nd Sunday of the month | Faith Formation
The Fifth Dimension curriculum
*Racial Justice curriculum in the spring
2021-2022 CRE Calendar