On November 7, FUUSN’s Legacy Circle will launch this society-wide invitation to join the Legacy Circle.
The purpose of the Legacy Circle is help ensure the future of FUUSN by strengthening its financial foundation, particularly by building the permanent endowment. We do this by including FUUSN in our estate plans, and we now number more than 45 individuals and couples.
Joining the Legacy Circle does not require a large estate! Many LC members have modest estates.Every commitment helps to strengthen FUUSN for generations to come. And each new member inspires others to join.
There are several easy ways to join, and you do not need a lawyer. For example, many of us have made FUUSN one of the beneficiaries of a life insurance policy, an IRA, a trust, or even a bank account.Others have included FUUSN in their wills.
Now is an especially fruitful time to join. For a brief time, the Legacy Circle has available a fund that will match your future estate gift with a 10% cash contribution now to FUUSN’s permanent endowment. Created by the generous donations of some LC members, this matching fund of $65,000 will only be available for about the next eighteen months.
Please contact Bruce Kimball (kimball.45@osu.edu; M: 781-771-9524 or Brian Hicks (bnhicks@icloud.com: M: 857-206-3360) if you have questions or you would like to participate in LEGACY CIRCLE APPEAL: BUILDING FUUSN’S FUTURE.