Hurrah!! The lending library is coming back to coffee hours in April and May. There will also be a table for children’s RE books. Borrow a children’s book and bring it back the next week. The adult books are loaned for one month.
In April and May, the adult books will be on race and class. In April the children’s books will be on the theme for the month: Justice. There will also be books that the children have read during previous RE classes.
Volunteers are needed to staff the table from Sunday, April 8th, through Sunday, May 20th. We hope you are excited and will volunteer for as many Sundays as you are able.
Alice Wood is coordinating the volunteers for the adult library table. Connect with her at church or at or by phone at 617-969-0366.
Beth will be coordinating the volunteers for the children’s library table. Connect with her at church or at
***If you have a FUUSN book, whether for adults or children, please return it.***
Beth Walton
Alice Wood