Lifespan RE Sunday is a joyful celebration involving children, youth, and adults in exploring our Seven Principles through music, words, and art. We hope you will join us for this meaningful service! Because of our preparations, we’re bringing some of the different classes together to work on music and occasionally other projects See the schedule below!
March 19 PreK-3rd grade start in classrooms, making sanctuary decorations and teacher appreciation cards (shhh!). 4th-7th graders start in Children’s Chapel to rehearse music. At 11:00 a.m. until 11:30 pickup, they swap and older kids work on projects for the Sanctuary PreK-3rd grade rehearse music in the Children’s Chapel.
March 26 PreK-4th grade start in classrooms. PreK has a lesson. K & 1st grade cook treats for RE Sunday Coffee Hour. 2nd-4th grade make props for RE Sunday. From 11 until pickup at11:30, PreK-4th grade rehearse music in Children’s Chapel. 5th-12th graders away at FUUSN Field Day.
April 2 PreK-7th grade start in classrooms. Whole group run through of hymns. Final preparations and pick up at 11:30 in Head Start Room and Children’s Chapel.
April 9 Lifespan RE Sunday! Anyone with a speaking part should arrive by 9:35 for a rehearsal that starts at 9:40 sharp.
Questions? Enthusiastic excitement? Please contact or