Sometimes one of us with a heightened awareness comes up with a great idea and then a way to get it done. Jeannie Chaisson, our great usher in chief, realized we could re-set the Sanctuary pews in a way that leaves space for folks with wheelchairs and walkers to sit either in the pew with the walker beside them or in their wheelchair next to the pew without blocking the central aisle. She brought this idea to the Operations Council and it was approved. Then two groups of men led by Bob Persons figured out how to do it. The first set was done by John Adkins, Tom Bean, Dan Brody, Peter Farago, Mike Milburn, Jon Reusser and Jon Slote. Recently, Bob was joined by his men’s group, Bob Ellertsen, Lou Atamian, Jim Buechl, George Adams and Len Kurzweil, who spent some of their time together measuring, moving and securing these pews. Our grateful thanks to all of them. This makes our Sanctuary more pleasant and useful to us all.