Musicians Concert Update

The annual FUUSN Musicians Concert was a smashing success, and we thank everyone who attended last Sunday. We are fortunate and blessed to have so many talented musicians in our congregation, and every year this concert is an amazing opportunity to hear chamber music works (this year, Beethoven and Massenet), beautiful solo piano compositions (Schubert’s Moments Musicaux), traditional folk music, original songs and instrumentals, and rousing renditions of gospel and rock songs. Certainly a highlight on Sunday was The Nields song “Tyrants Always Fall” – look for its reprise on March 3.

Thanks so much to Geoff Wadsworth for his band arrangements and for his help with the sound, and special thanks to George Batchelor for producing the concert – that is a boatload of work, and he carries it off with competence and panache. And of course thanks to all of our performers: Paul Antonucci, Jonathan Axon, George Batchelor, Karen Burns, Joan Caplan, Jim Cook, Eric Haas, Ted Hess-Mahan, Brian Hicks, Chip Highfield, Megan Lotz, Bob MacWilliams, Debra Minard, Meredith Ritter, Jacki Rohan, Mindy Scharlin, Lois Shapiro, Andy Solberg, Dexter Wadsworth, Geoff Wadsworth.