You are warmly invited to our biannual “New to UU” Workshop on Saturday, October 21, from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the Children’s Chapel.
This will be a fun, low-key opportunity to get to know other newcomers to the FUUSN community, share your own spiritual journey, hear from key leaders, have a guided tour of our historic building, and join a conversation about what it means to be Unitarian Universalist in 2017.
Longtime FUUSN members, as well as friends and visitors to the congregation, are all welcome to attend the workshop. Breakfast will be served (bagels!) and childcare will be provided in the nursery. RSVP to Sam (, mentioning any childcare needs you may have. If you decide to attend at the last minute, that is also totally fine!
If you are unable to attend this time around, the next workshop will be in the spring. -Samuel Foster