Notes for RE Families: We’re looking forward to welcoming families back for the new church year and hope to see you all on Sept. 10 at our ingathering service. RE classes will start on the following Sunday, Sept. 17. If you haven’t already done so, please register your children (ages 0 – 18) for classes by going to the FUUSN website. The link to the registration form can be found under the Learning tab, on either the Children’s Programs or Youth Ministry page.
Notes for RE Teachers: RE Teacher Training will take place on Saturday, Sept. 9, 9:00 am-12:00 pm. The nuts and bolts of Sunday morning will be explained, including Safe Congregation policies. You will meet your team and your youth teachers and explore your classroom. This year, on the first Sunday of the month (except in April, when we’ll meet on the 8th because of Easter), all teachers are invited to gather with Rowan and Beth for bagels and coffee before the service. The first gathering will be Oct. 1 from 9:15-10:00 am in the Alliance Room. Based on the success of our monthly Youth Teacher Bagel Brunches, we wanted to bring you the opportunity to check in, discuss your challenges and successes, and build community with other RE teachers. As needed, expert specialists will be invited to join the group to offer advice and support.