Budget Season Is Upon Us – and Pledging Season Too! All the fellowship, service and activity that is FUUSN begins with the requests that are brought forward during the annual budget process. In March the Finance Committee kicked off the process by putting out a call to all FUUSN committees to send in their requests for next year’s funding. Some of the budget building blocks are fairly predictable, particularly personnel costs and the operation and maintenance of the building. But the budget also speaks to our hopes and desires for our next year together – new lifespan religious education courses for all ages, social action initiatives, music programs, summer worship, fellowship opportunities and much more.
The Finance Committee prepares a draft budget for review and action by the Operations Council and the Board of Trustees. The final budget depends upon the results of the Annual Pledge Drive. A robust pledge outcome means the heat stays on, the doors stay open and the website is chock full of activities. Maybe even a little new paint on some walls. In tighter times the Finance Committee is faced with difficult choices between continuing programs, keeping staff and maintaining the building. Every pledge is important – we depend upon each other to keep FUUSN strong! -Judy Curby, Treasurer and Operations Council