FUUSN bathroom configuration update. We are now ready to make the changes in FUUSN’s bathroom configuration that have been in process for some time now. As we have reported before, the Operations Council and the Welcoming Congregation Implementation Team have been discussing how best to meet the needs of our congregants by providing gender neutral, physically accessible bathrooms. We discussed the issue and presented our plan in a newsletter article at the end of January and followed-up with a meeting after services on February 3rd to answer questions and address concerns. Now, we are ready to implement the plan. FUUSN’s 6 bathrooms are now configured as follows:
2 gender neutral, physically accessible bathrooms just outside the parish hall; one with two stalls and the other with one stall and infant changing table; privacy strips have been installed in open spaces between the stall door and walls;
2 single gender bathrooms (not physically accessible) in classroom corridor on Sundays; men’s room with infant changing table; and
2 gender neutral bathrooms (not physically accessible) on the second floor Questions? Feel free to contact any Operations Council member—Susan Bartlett, Laurel Farnsworth, Sharon Sisskind, Rand Stone, Ted Hess-Mahan, and Judy Curby, or Linda Ross and Chris Krebs of the Welcoming Congregation Implementation Team.