Over 60s Committee

Lifelong Learning Opportunities – An Overview. Sunday September 30, 11:45 a.m – 1:15 p.m. in the Alliance Room. Gandhi said, “Live life as if you will die tomorrow. Learn as if you will live forever.”

The Over 60 Committee is sponsoring a review of 12 learning opportunities available to “mature adults”, generally people over 50+. People who have attended classes in many of these programs will briefly share their experiences with the programs. These programs range in price from “free” to several hundred dollars. Attendees will receive a summary sheet of all 12 programs and can request electronic copy of all 12 programs’ 2-page summaries. Course catalogs/ program brochures will also be available for some programs. If you have questions, contact please Susan Aeschbach (susanaeschbach@comcast.net), Barbara Bates (B.L.Bates@rcn.com), or Sandy Horne (ssh136@rcn.com).