Over 60s Fall Agenda

The Over 60s Sponsor a re-showing of the documentary film backed by many requests!! ‘‘Living While Dying” – A life affirming film on how to face the fear of death by living life to the fullest. Join us Sunday, Sept. 16, 11:45 a.m. FUUSN Chapel

Death is a big mystery, yet the outcome is 100% certain. Dispelling traditional fears and expectations about death, Living While Dying invites us to reimagine and set the stage for our own inevitable endings. It offers profound opportunities to uncover value, grace and meaning for all stages of life.

In this 45 minute documentary, filmmaker Cathy Zheutlin travels from Portland to Australia to Bali to explore the brave quest to face mortality and unravel her own fears with an open and upbeat style. She states, “It’s not really about dying at all. It’s about asking ‘how am I living today, because I actually could die tomorrow … is the life I am living today the life I truly want?’ Join us for this documentary of creativity, humor, and courage followed by a discussion to address this topic once deemed taboo.

Sunday, Sept. 30 – Presentation: Life Long Learning Opportunities, An Overview. 11:45 – 1:30 pm – Alliance Room. What’s available in our area for educational opportunities for seniors! Overview, personal experiences and handouts.

Sunday, Oct. 21 – Chair Yoga with Helaine Golann. 12:00 – 1:00 pm. in FUUSN Head Start Room. Back due to eager requests! Sunday,

Oct. 28 – “New Insights in Aging” – 12:00 – 2:00 pm. FUUSN Chapel. A presentation, film and discussion by Phebe Sessions, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Smith College School for Social Work, teacher and clinician, specializing currently in issues of aging: Recipient of a National Science Foundation Grant for research on aging and assistive technology.

Sunday, Nov. 11 – Cognitive Health and Brain Care, 11:30 – 1:00 pm. in Alliance Room. Presenter/discussant: Michelle Boiardi, CDP, CADDCT, Dementia Care Specialist. Michelle was highly recommended by our own Eileen Freiberg-Dale and Julian Bullitt.

Breaking News: Self Led Over 60s Men’s Group now forming for this fall!! Please respond to John Reusser at reusser@rcn.com Openings going fast already!!