Passover Seder Potluck

When: Saturday April 20th

When: 5:30-9pm

Where: FUUSN Parish Hall

All are welcome to join in the tradition of a FUUSN Community Seder on April 20! We look forward to being together to reflect on the many ways each of us finds and fights for freedom.

This year’s meal will be done potluck style, with a Potluck sign-up sheet coming out soon to guide you through what to make and bring. Passover is a truly multigenerational holiday, and all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend!

So, mark your calendars for Saturday, April 20th at 5:30pm and keep an eye out for the RSVP and Potluck sign-up sheet coming soon!

In Peace and Community, Amanda Graff Director of Lifespan Religious Education