Preemptive Radical Inclusion Workshop, May 7

FUUSN’s Welcoming Congregation Team cordially invites you to a special program:
Preemptive Radical Inclusion: the practice of creating inclusive communities
Sunday, May 7, after service from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m., in the Parish Hall.
A light lunch will be provided and childcare is available upon request.
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All are invited to attend this 3-hour experiential workshop where we will examine our assumptions and beliefs as we explore what it means to intentionally create a community of welcome here at FUUSN. Cindy Beal, founder of Justice and Peace Consulting and a long-time UU Religious Educator, is a dynamic speaker and compassionate facilitator who will guide our work together.
Preemptive radical inclusion rests on a foundation of awareness and willingness to examine ourselves and develop our capacity for relating to one another and ourselves with greater love and acceptance for the purpose of increasing justice. This hands-on workshop will support raising our awareness about our own privilege, acknowledge our desire for comfort and familiarity and expand our willingness and ability to engage with each other in an open-hearted way.
Please join us for what promises to be an engaging, thought-provoking and community-building afternoon.
Cindy will be also sharing the pulpit with Rev. Erin Splaine during the morning service.
For more information, please contact Chris Krebs at
Childcare requests should be made to Linda Ross by May 1 at