Dear FUUSN Community,
My first year as your Director of Lifespan Religious Education has been a busy and joyful one. I deeply appreciate the warm welcome I have received, the relationships we are building, and the overall sense of embrace I feel from the congregation. It’s been fun to share my stories during the service, impressive to witness the commitment and love of this congregation’s lay leadership, and inspiring to see the richness of relationships and learning that exist here at FUUSN.
As the year draws to a close, we are also preparing to say some goodbyes. Beth Walton and Dani Patrick, who have served as Assistant Director of RE and Youth Programs Coordinator respectively, are moving on to new adventures. We will certainly miss them. In sharing their gifts with us they have enriched not only the programs they run, but the community as a whole. Beth’s eight years of service, her deep love for FUUSN’s children and volunteers, and her breadth of experience and knowledge of Unitarian Universalist religious education has been invaluable. Dani’s deep respect for youth, and their commitment to building a program with youth voices and leadership at the center has changed our program for the better. We have a few weeks left to let them know the impact they have made here at FUUSN, and to wish them well.
Beginning and ending, hellos and goodbyes, are a big deal, and an opportunity for connection and spiritual growth. Each year at FUUSN, we have many opportunities to lean into the lessons contained in beginnings and endings, to feel the excitement, joy and sadness they bring, and to deepen our experience of living.
In closing, I’ll share my hope all of you will come to the Religious Education Worship Service on Sunday June 2. This service showcases our young people, volunteers, and staff members who run the RE program. It’s a wonderful opportunity celebrate learning, young people, and community. Don’t miss it!
In Faith and Community,
Amanda Graff, Director of Lifespan Religious Education at FUUSN