R.E. Connections

Dear FUUSN Community,

We’ve had a very good and busy start to the religious education year at FUUSN. From the nursery to adult RE, our lifespan program is bursting at the seams with activity and engagement. My next few newsletter articles will highlight different aspects of that program. If you see something you’d like to know more about please don’t hesitate to contact me!


This past weekend saw the first Friday Gathering of our Coming of Age program, with eight candidates and their mentors, plus parents and coordinators coming together to share in games, worship, and conversation. A long beloved program at FUUSN, Coming of Age marks a young person’s transition from childhood to youth. Through the course of this year long program, we support them through a process of examining and articulating their individual theology and relationship to Unitarian Universalism. I’d like to recognize this year Coming of Age coordinators, namely Eric Moore, Aimee Lambert and Devon Welles, without whom the program would not be possible.


At FUUSN, our nursery is a very special place. Many congregations hire a nursery care provider, and doing so can add a much needed resource to the community. At FUUSN, however, we have a few dedicated adult congregants who have taken it upon themselves to nurture the youngest and newest members. As a result, these little ones are held in the heart of our community from the first moment their families walk through the doors. This is truly a special things, and worth noticing.


Our adult RE program offers numerous ways to engage in spiritual exploration and community at FUUSN. The World Religions Study Group, a long standing group, is spending the fall reading and studying the Quaker faith. Another group is engaging with the book The Five Invitations by Frank Ostaseski. This week, adults gathered on Friday night for Creationdance, and on Saturday for Journey Songs. Throughout the congregation we are finding one another for spiritual sustenance, support, and enrichment.

There is so much more to say, and only so much room in the newsletter. Look for more from me about lifespan religious exploration and spiritual enrichment in an upcoming newsletter! In faith and community,                                                                                                                                                 –Amanda Graff