R.E. Connections

“Sunday School is the hope of the future.” When I started working at FUUSN, this sign was given to me to hang in my office, as has hung in many offices of FUUSN’s Directors of Religious Education before me. There is something powerful that happens when children, youth, and adults come together to explore community, covenant, and curriculum, the “Three C’s of Religious Education.”

With the celebration of Religious Education Sunday on March 18th, we want to warmly appreciate the dozens of volunteers that it takes to run our Lifespan Religious Education program at FUUSN. Our Children’s Religious Education program includes babies through 7th graders. We currently offer a nursery and classes for PreK-7th grade, including Our Whole Lives sexuality education classes for 1st, 5th, and 7th/8th graders. Our Coming of Age program focuses on preparing our 8th graders for their Coming of Age ceremony, coming up on May 20, 2018. Our high schoolers serve as youth teachers, tech and coffee beadles, run the annual coffee house, attend retreats, and take part in community service activities. Adults attend book groups, meditation classes, RE Teacher gatherings, borrow books from our lending library, and our Adult Faith Development (AFD) group is working to determine how to implement the learning of the AFD Task Force last year.

If you are looking to get more deeply involved at FUUSN, we hope you consider attending or volunteering for one of our many opportunities to be engaged in our Lifespan Religious Education Program! In faith, Rowan. –Rowan Van Ness