When our country is in as divisive of a place as it is, it feels like religious community is more important than ever. For some, beliefs about the nature of the world and the universe may be shaken. For others, having a community of people with shared values feels especially important, both for raising children and for adults.
This winter, your religious education staff are planning a series of parent meetings to get more information about what is and isn’t working about our religious education program, multigenerational opportunities, and support for parents and families. We look forward to hearing what has brought people to FUUSN and what keeps them here, so we can more effectively partner with families in bringing the love and grace of Unitarian Universalism to their lives.
There are unique programs available for different grade levels we are thinking about introducing in the future–expanding our offerings for sexuality education (OWL), integrating more conversations about death and grief–as well as learning from you all about how parents might appreciate connecting with each other, learning more ways to integrate UUism into the home, and how people are talking about the tough questions.
All meetings will be from 11:45-12:45 p.m., in the new classroom downstairs. Childcare will be provided for any meeting in which it is requested. Please save these dates:
- January 8: Parents of 8th-11th graders (12th grade parents welcome to attend)
- January 29: Parents of 4th-7th graders
- February 12: Parents of 1st-3rd graders
- March 5: Parents of PreK/K (Nursery parents welcome to attend)
Lastly, if you haven’t yet checked it out, I strongly encourage you to sign up for the “Traveling Chalice.” This kit includes a chalice, candles, books and brochures about family prayers and blessings and the story of the chalice. Many families have found this to be a centering ritual to add to the dinner table or to bedtime. It’s a great way to explore bringing a little ritual into your home and adapt it to your family. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board outside Fran’s office. Many blessings, — Rowan