Racial Justice Ministry

An open Letter from Parent to Child: “Between the World and Me” – Discuss this NY Times Bestseller Just a few of the accolades bestowed upon Ta-Nehisi Coates’s “Between the World and Me”

“Extraordinary . . . [Coates] writes an impassioned letter to his teenage son—a letter both loving and full of a parent’s dread…” – The New Yorker

The language of Between the World and Me, like Coates’s journey, is visceral, eloquent and beautifully redemptive…. This is required reading. ” —Toni Morrison

“Brilliant . . . a riveting meditation on the state of race in America . . . [Coates] is firing on all cylinders, and it is something to behold ”—The Washington Post

“Between the World & Me” is a stirring letter from the author to his son about growing up black in America. Exploring both personal and historical events, Coates addresses racism and its impact on our society.

If you’ve heard about this book and never read it–or if you’ve already read it–please join us to discuss it on two Sundays: October 27 and November 10, following the service. Attendance at both sessions is recommended but not required as we’ll be discussing different ideas from the book at each session. We will meet in the Alliance Room from 11:45am until approximately 1:45pm on each Sunday.

To sign up for the group or ask questions please write to Brian Gill at briang.uu@gmail.com or Bill Dusett at dusett@rcn.com. We hope to see you there!

Organized by FUUSN‘s Racial Justice Ministry (formerly the Multicultural Ministry Initiative).