RE Connections

This year, Rev. Erin, Sam, and I have launched a new yearlong initiative called “Living the Principles.” This involves a monthly focus on each of the seven principles, in order to go deeper into our collective understanding of Unitarian Universalism, in multigenerational ways. You may have already noticed Times for All Ages devoted to this project, thought-provoking questions about what it means to live into the principles, and a monthly “Pizza and the Principles” workshop.

At our first Pizza and the Principles, focused on respecting the inherent worth and dignity of all people, we explored what it means to live as if each and every person around us (including ourselves) matters. What gets in the way of sharing with people that they matter? When is it easy to tell people they matter? How would FUUSN’s culture change, if we all deeply believed that we mattered to the people around us?

As we transition into November, we’ll shift our focus to the second UU principle: “justice, equity, and compassion in human relationships.” Join us! –Rowan Van Ness