Thank UUs for Ferry Beach

Thank you to everyone, especially the volunteers, who made the FUUSN Columbus Day retreat at Ferry Beach a smashing success!

Richard Bail, Sam Foster, Judy Friedman, Eric Haas, Julia Huston, Suriya Jeyapalan, Eileen Kurkowski, Amy Lathrop, Karen Lein, Saul Lookner, Rekha McKinney, James Pucci, Jenn Pucci, Brenda Roberts, Jacki Rohan, Pat Rohan, Barbara Schmitt, Wendy Schwartz, Bobbie Sproat, Randy Stone, Sandra Teare, Ian Teare-Thomas, Rod Thomas, Brooke Welles, Mary White, Alice Wood, Nancy Wrenn, Judy Zacek, and especially Chris and Erin O’Donnell for all their organizational help. Apologies if anyone was inadvertently left out! -Vern Ellis

Thank YOU, Vern! -Samuel Foster, Membership Coordinator