Upcoming Events for New Members and Families

Potluck! If you are new to FUUSN, or still feel you are new, join friendly FUUSN members Jay Flynn and Barbara Niles for a newcomer potluck dinner on Saturday, April 29, from 6:00 p.m., at their home in Newton. There will be time to discuss our congregation’s services and activities as well as to ask questions. It will also be a great opportunity to get to know one another and to talk with other newcomers who are interested in Unitarian Universalism and FUUSN. RSVP to Pat Rohan or Sam Foster with any questions, or to tell us you can make it. If you are able to contribute food, let us know what you would like to bring (suggestions: an appetizer, main dish, side dish, salad or dessert that serves six to eight people). We will make sure to accommodate everyone’s dietary restrictions, so let us know if you have any concerns. We will provide the beverages! Kids are welcome and childcare will be provided.

Family Fun Night is back! After the resounding success of our Fun Night on St. Patrick’s, we again cordially invite you to an evening of food, family, and fellowship in the Parish Hall on Friday, May 5. We will gather at 5:30 p.m. to eat and have a good time together until around 8:00 p.m. Tacos and soft drinks will be served, but you are encouraged to bring a tasty side dish or dessert to share. You can come for the whole evening, or for whatever time works best for you. If you would like to bring some games, or if you have a favorite Fun Night activity, or if you would like to bring an instrument for a jam or singalong, then get in touch and let me know! We could use some volunteers before and after, so it would be great to hear from you if you have a hand to lend. RSVP to Sam, so we have a rough idea of how much food to prepare. But don’t worry if you decide to come at the last minute. Everyone will be welcome!

If you joined FUUSN in the past year, or would like to join, our next New Member Celebration will take place on Sunday, May 7, during the morning service. We are very excited to be welcoming several new members to the FUUSN congregation. If you haven’t yet joined, but would like to become an official member of the congregation, now is the time to take that extra step and enjoy the benefits and responsibilities of membership. Stop by the Welcome table in the parish hall on Sunday mornings, or get in touch with Sam or Pat, if you would like to join and be honored at the New Member Celebration.

You can reach Pat by email (jprohan@verizon.net) or phone (617-852-5290) to get in touch about any of these events. Sam can be reached by email (sam@fusn.org) or at the FUUSN office number (617-527-3203). –Samuel Foster, Membership Coordinator