All – hope you will consider joining us for a Greater Boston UU Singles Valentine’s Day potluck dinner hosted at FUUSN!
Join a group of UU singles from all over the Boston area for our first event, a potluck on that most awkward of all days if you are single – Valentine’s Day! Enjoy good food, good conversation and good fun with area UU singles. This is our first event, come and you can say you were with us on the ground floor! The dinner will be from 6:30 – 8:30 (ish) at FUUSN. RSVP here: Please include what you will be bringing in the comment section (though if we wind up with 12 pans of brownies, is that really a bad thing?).
Got other ideas for this group? We’d love to have your energy and enthusiasm, so join us! Anyone 21+ who is single is welcome. For information, contact Barb Schmitt at .