We are so glad to have you at FUUSN in our Religious Education (RE) program, for the first time or for the fortieth. We have programs available throughout the lifespan.
On Sunday, September 10, children can join their families in the Sanctuary for worship. We’ll have the Nursery and the PreK classroom staffed, starting at 10:00 am, as alternative options for our youngest members.
On Sunday, September 17, we’ll have our first day of our Children’s RE program. Nursery and PreK kids can arrive in their classrooms between 10-10:15 and stay until 11:30am. K-7th graders start in the sanctuary for the service, and then go to their classrooms for RE between about 10:30-11:30 am. At 11:30 parents can pick up their children from their classes, meet their kids’ teachers, and learn more about the curriculum for the year. Please note the changes from the print edition of the newsletter.
Our Youth (9th-12th grades) will kick off their program on Sunday, September 17, from 11:45-12:45. Youth should meet in the Youth Group room.
Look forward to seeing you soon! -Rowan Van Ness, Director of Lifespan Religious Education