Holidays and Traditions
FUUSN honors holidays related to the religious traditions that the Unitarian Universalist heritage draws upon, the natural cycles of the year, and FUUSN’s own celebrations.
Traditional Events
Traditionally FUUSN celebrates Christmas on the Sunday prior to Dec. 25 and Easter on Easter Sunday. Key teachings from religious holidays such as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur may be observed through a sermon, readings, and music in either minister and lay-led services. Community members also lead festival of lights services to mark the winter solstice.
Society Gatherings
FUUSN celebrates diverse events in the society’s own annual cycle. From our Ingathering service where we share water from our summer adventures, our Wheel of Life service that affirms the joys and challenges of life’s many stages, our Coming of Age ceremony welcoming our 8th graders into young adulthood, to our Quaker service to meditate and reflect on the past year and celebrate the New Year, FUUSN has an array of traditions that foster community.
See our Annual Events section for more information!