Thank you for tuning into another week of the Youth Ministry Broadcast. This past week, the youth teachers met for their monthly bagel brunch to discuss their experiences in the Religious education classroom. They came together to discuss what is going well, and any concerns they may have as youth teachers. At youth group on Sunday, November 20, we will be doing an apple pie bite tutorial and discussing the myths of Thanksgiving. Junior youth, grades 6-8th, have been invited to a youth conference at Channing Unitarian Universalist Church. A junior youth con is a great way for youth to connect to the wider UU community, as they will have the opportunity to participate in a social gathering with youth from all around the area. The evening will include dinner and workshops such as baking and improv. The con is Saturday, December 3 from 2:00-8:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Dani at by November 26, if youth would like to attend.